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PANDEM-2 Deliverables

Over its lifetime, PANDEM-2 will publish several deliverables that outline the core elements and key outputs of the project ranging from pandemic-related data management and surveillance to training and communications.

PANDEM-2 builds upon key insights and lessons learned in previous EU-funded project, PANDEM (Grant Agreement number: 652868).

D7.1 PANDEM Project Website

D7.2 PANDEM Brand, Dissemination & Communications Strategy, and Implementation Plan

D2.2 List and Description of Selected Data Sources and Analytical Tools to Monitor Pandemics

D2.3 Report on Laboratory Data Sources Including Capture and Integration of NGS Data for Pandemic Management

D3.1 Database Schema and Setup Report

D3.2 Dashboard Design

D3.6 Privacy, Social and Ethical Issues Preliminary Report

D4.3 Visual Analytics Component, API and Developer Documentation V1

D5.1 Scenarios Analysis and Pandemic Communications Requirements Statement

D5.2 Pandemic Communications Toolkit

D6.1 Networking Resources

D6.2 Training Resources and Repository on Simulation Exercise